Saturday, May 7, 2016



Speed of Light',if the Scientists are right at CERN and have recorded particles travelling faster than light ,am100 % they did.
(Do we thank faster than light or below the Speed of Light'.
(If you think in the light of Superconsciousness Time does not actually exist and Quantum Theory proves it. ... Consciousness is the formless, invisible field of energy of infinite dimension and potentiality, the substrate of all existence, independent of time, space, or location, of which it is independent yet all inclusive and all present. It encompasses all existence beyond all limitation, dimension, or time, and registers all events, no matter how seemingly miniscule, such as even a fleeting thought. The interrelationship between time and consciousness from the human perspective is limited, when in fact it is unlimited.

A Superconsciousness being not with a meat suit ,no longer a resident of planet earth is surfing the magnetic waves with ghost of Parmenides, In an instant of a spark i am there at the edge of the universe and back ! ........)<TC>(
Quantum particles , observed in two-dimensional electron .
in a strong magnetic fields,
In which is named quantum Hall ..Quasi-two-dimensional.
CERN Scientists 'Break the Speed of Light'