Tuesday, July 5, 2016


#2 Telepathy// A true empath lives between two worlds, walking a thin line in between the two,Fully understanding of consciousness, psychic of the sixth sense .Clairvoyant - and Medium Telepath, Using Your “Sixth Sense” HERE IS THE LINK, http://uk.iacworld.org/full-list-of-different-types-of-psy…/ NEXUS BEYOND THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON, Basic Level Mind Reading: The ability to read/sense the thought of others. Psychic Communication: The ability to open up secret conversations and relay covert information. Telempathy: The ability to communicate through emotions. Telepathic Speaking: The ability to speak telepathically Advanced Level // ----------------------------------------------------------- - Binding: The ability to restrict the movements of others via the mind. Download: The ability to quickly process, store, or download information through another's mind. Emotion Manipulation: The ability to make one feel pleased, happy, pained, or any other emotion. Illusion Manipulation: The ability to manipulate what others perceive, such as making them see things that aren't actually present, or not see things that are. Knowledge Projection: The ability to project knowledge onto another mind. Telepathic Language Instruction: The ability to teach languages telepathically. Knowledge Replication: The ability to replicate the learned knowledge and skills of others. Memory Reading: The ability to read the target's memories. Mental Inducement: The ability to temporarily push the targets mind into the wanted state. Mind Control: The ability to manipulate the minds of other via thought process. Mind Image: The ability to project one's image to the mind of another. Mind Link: The ability to develop a permanent mental bond with any person, also called imprinting. Mind Melding: The ability to fuse one's consciousness with another. Mind Walking: The ability to enter the mind of another. Omnilingualism: The ability to intuitively understand all languages. Psionic Inundation: The ability to launch psi-bolts to cause mental damage. Neurocognitive Deficit: The ability to shut down an opponent's higher brain function. Telepathic Static: The ability to project telepathic static. Psychic Inhibitors: The ability to place inhibitors in the mind to limit target's capabilities. Psychic Navigation: The ability to create a mental map of the area. Psychic Shadow: The ability to mask psychic presence, hiding from other psychics. Psychic Shield: The ability to erect a psychic shield to protect the minds of oneself and/or others. Psychic Torture: The ability to torture victims mentally and spiritually. Pushing: The ability to implant memories, thoughts, and emotions into others. Sensory Scrying: The ability to perceive through the sense of other beings. Speaking Inducement: The ability to make others say whatever one wants. Telepathic Combat: The ability to use telepathy in physical combat Telepathic Hijacking: The ability to hijack telepathic communication. Telepathic Prediction: The ability to know an opponent's moves and attacks by reading their brain waves. Telepathic Relay: The ability to act as a mental relay station for a group of minds, allowing said minds to "speak" to one another through the user. Thought Manifestation: The ability to make ones thoughts visible to all. Thought Manipulation: The ability to control the thoughts of others. Master Level///--------------------------------------------------- Consciousness Transferal: The ability to transfer one's mind to a new body. Darkside View: The ability to communicate with and bring out the dark side of a person's personality. Lightside View: The ability to communicate with and bring out the good side of a person's personality. Memory Manipulation: The ability to erase, restore and alter target's memories. Mental Hallucination: The ability to cause mental hallucinations. Mental Manipulation: The ability to manipulate functions of the mind. Mind Exchange: The ability to transfer one's mind into another's body, taking control of that body. Projective Omnilingualism: The ability to emit a field that translates every spoken language. Psychic Constructs: The ability to generate constructs out of mental energy. Psychic Energy Manipulation: The ability to produce and manipulate mental energy. Psychic Wave Manipulation: The ability to generate and manipulate thought waves. Psychosomatic Illusion: The ability to create powerful illusions that may cause severe physical damage. Remote Telepathy: The ability to use telepathy from a long range. Subconscious Manipulation: The ability to manipulate the subconscious. Ultimate Level////------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mental Projection: The ability to project thoughts into reality. Mindscape Transportation: The ability to transport physical matter into one's conscious or subconscious thoughts. Omnipathy: The ability to read the thoughts of billions or more subjects at once. Absolute Level////------------------------------------------- Metapathy: The ability to read, sense, communicate with, and control an infinite number of minds across all universes, planes and dimensions.

Art insight ,of an artist ,Empath lives between two worlds., NEXUS BEYOND THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON

Art insight ,of an artist ,Empath lives between two worlds.,