Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The paranormal ghost of the soul galaxy metrix or network freq

Next On "Spooky Radio 360", The Real Story Of The "Elongated Skulls" found "Around The World" with a new Special Guest "Tc Tc Tim Carender" with crew mate Maya Blueray two of the best in "Ufology" add to the mix (Our Own Paranormal Crew Mates) will make this Saturdays show one to remember!

I have this as an illustration in a Peter Colosimo "Gods From Outer Space" book but I think it came originally from a magazine such as ARGOSY in the 1970s. And actually while the skulls are unusual in the Amazon basin, they are not unidentifiable. As a matter of fact they resemble two basic types of Megalith-builders from Western Europe and can be looked upon as ultimately like the CroMagnon and Combe-Capelle Ice age "Cave Men." And you have living people in the Iberian peninsula that are much like them today. The problem is, are they recent or ancient Iberians in that case? They COULD be nothing more than Portugese colonials that met an untimely end, or they COULD have been shipwrecked on a Phoenician galley. Without testing the skulls themselves there might not be any way of telling. And below is a newspaper article on a giant skull found in Texas. It is once again unusually large but conforms to the ADENA type. I have heightened the contrast on the photo at the bottom.

Neolithic deformed skull from Palestine, prepottery period, probably about 8000 BC. The trait is earliest in the preceeding Naftufian period, just about at the end of the last Ice Age. Contrary to some reports, Neanderthal skulls were not artificially deformed (they grew that way naturally) but some of the CroMagnon skulls were, including one of the skulls found in the original excavations at the Cro-Magnon cave itself (Cro-Magnon means "Great-Big" in France; it originally meant the cave was big itself but since CroMagnon people were also tall, the name was appropriate)

5000 to 7000 BC. Early-Neolithic deformed skull from Iran, Wikipedia image: these skulls are common from about 5000 to 7000 BC in the areas that would later become Iran and then diffusing out into the surrounding territories. Many skulls in the same time period from Iraq, Southern Turkey and Syria are also deformed but not usually so severely. In later historical time many of the Iranian-speaking nomads of Central Asia continued the tradition and eventually the trait was introduced into Europe from the East by the invasions of the Huns.

Facing The Giant Human Legend,,

Alien invader? No, the 26ft-long Mangapinna SQUID discovered lurking underneath an offshore oil rig.Footage of the 26ft long squid was filmed in the Gulf of Mexico Mangapinnas are known as bigfin squids because of their long tentacles These tentacles can stretch up to 20 times longer than the squid’s body It is thought the long appendages are used to trap food on the seafloor

Thursday, November 21, 2013



Radical New Miracle Material Graphene, Could Save The World’s Economy (Videos)

Volcano raises new island far south of Japan

Houston Anthropologist Claims Irrefutable Proof That Recorded History is Wrong - See more at:

Seven Volcanoes In Six Different Countries All Start Erupting Within Hours Of Each Other

BY Maya Blueray,,In 1957, an unknown satellite was detected shadowing the Sputnik I craft. It was in a polar orbit, something that neither the Americans or Soviets were capable of at the time. There was a statement that ham radio operaters pickd up radio transmissions that were “decoded” (whatever that means) as being a star map that indicated the craft originated from Epsilon Bootes 13,000 years before. This object was dubbed “The Black Knight.”

Sumerian tablets, Annunaki ,Adam 250000 years!

The skull of this sasquatch or bigfoot creature was discovered in the Rocky Mountains

A child’s skull before losing baby teeth. I am never going near a child again.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

*<>>>>_________<>((o))<>________<<<<>* * *ALL*THE*BURIED*SEEDS* *CRACK*OPEN*IN*THE*DARK* *THE*MOMENT*THEY*SURRENDER* *TO*A*PROCESS*THEY*CAN'T*SEE* ""~*~"" * Mark_Nepo__The_Book_of_Awakening__* Artist__Bernart_Amygdalah__*

BY Le Ah Tiamat


Comet ISON

*<>>>>>_________<>*<>________<<<<<>* * OUR~INNER~MUSIC~IS~BUILDING~BRIDGES~ ABOVE~THE~ABYSS~ THAT~IS~SEPARATING~OUR~SOULS~ LIFETIMES~OF~HOPE~AND~GRACE~ * FIRST~WE~WERE~LOST~THEN~WE~WERE~FOUND THEN~WE~GOT~LOST~TOGETHER~ * TWO~SHOOTINGSTARS~FALLING~THROUGH~SPACE ALONG~THEIR~DESTINED~PATH~ ""~*~"" * Le_Ah_Tiamat__nov_20_2013_ galactic_code__red_galactic_dragon_ guided_by_life_force__* Photographer_unknown_to_me__blessed_be__*

Earth Changes ,with in the Cycles,

Earth Changes ,with in the Cycles,

This 6-Foot, 330-Pound Robot May One Day Save Your Life

Count Down To Perihelion .. And Distance .

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Winter, 1870 - Mount Washington, New Hampshire, USA

Ancient Knowledge

AI artificial intelligence,Extraterrestrial,biological Clones


~♥ HILARION'S WEEKLY MESSAGE November 17-24, 2013 ♥~ Beloved Ones, As the weeks progress into the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere and the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere, there will be much movement within the hearts of humanity as they absorb the powerful rays of light from the cosmos and many hearts will be transformed by the vibrations and emanations of love within this multi-faceted white and other colored light. Through the weeks leading up to the solstice, it is important to hold steady the light within you and maintain balance and focus. You do this automatically as your multi-dimensional aspects lead you forward on your spiritual journey into ascension and your individual efforts help to create this opportunity to all of humanity. As you walk your daily path, be mindful of the thoughts and feelings streaming into your consciousness as some of these may not be from your own lifestream but rather from those around you. It is important that you start each day by clearing your own energy field so that when you venture out into the activities of life upon your world you will know when strange thoughts and feelings enter your field and you can discern that it comes from others. At those moments, visualize the violet flame burning and purifying these thoughts and feelings and send them into the Great Central Sun for transmutation and recycling back into light. Many of you are much too sensitive to the energies of others and also the Earth’s energies and need to practice self protection and clearing on a consistent and persistent level. The higher energies are claiming many of you to long periods of rest and sleep and we want you to realize that there is more going on at other levels of your being and that there is nothing wrong with you. Just allow yourselves these periods of rest when they occur. Those of you who regularly come to this website are those lightbearers who are very active in the ascension process on this planet and are involved in many tasks that require participation at other levels of your being and your loving diligence to these activities are very much appreciated and most needed during these times. You are ones who desire to be of true service to this planet and all lifeforms upon her and within her. You are participating in your galactic initiations as you give service in this way. Take the time to express gratitude to your galactic brothers and sisters for their support, upliftment and goodwill which they give selflessly and joyously. Try to connect to their energies and you will feel the joy and laughter that is in their energetic emanations when they are near to you. This is the state of being that you are all moving into as you traverse the corridors of consciousness into a higher way of being and expression. Feel the weight of millennia of the polarity experience lift from your worthy shoulders and surrender to the vibration of love that comes from Divine Mother in ever more powerful streams, until only light remains within you. You have all signed up for this before ever you set foot upon this planet and all your experiences in each polarity have brought you to this pivotal point of transformation and your journey back to Source from whence you came many eons ago. It is in truth, a joyous time and a coming of age for the Earth and humanity. All that is required now is to continue to hold steady in your intention to see this mission to completion. You have blazed the path so that others may travel it in greater ease and safety, in greater numbers than ever imagined. Until next week… I AM Hilarion ©2013 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included. Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message. isa:)

Sun will 'flip upside down' within weeks, says Nasa

Saturday, November 16, 2013

by Le Ah Tiamat.*<>>>>>_________<>((O))<>_________<<<<<>* * Fear~is~mainly~a~sign~of~our~lack~of~experience~ with~companion~energy~ When~you~become~accustomed~ to~matching~energies~with~all~life~ you~will~no~longer~fear~anything~ ""~*~"" * Heather_Hughes_Calero__* Origin_of_image_unknown_to_me__blessed_be__*

by Le Ah Tiamat..*<>>>>___________<>*<>___________<<<<>* * D_O_N_T__R_E_A_D__T_H_E__T_I_M_E_S_ R_E_A_D__T_H_E__E_T_E_R_N_T_I_E_S__* ""~*~"" * H.D._Thoreau__* Artist__Anna_Kumashov__* WE~ARE~STILL~AND~ALWAYS~WILL~BE~ PART~OF~THE~TRAVELING~STARS~ WITH~GLITTER~BEHIND~OUR~EYES~ AND~SO~MAYBE~ALL~WE~HAVE~TO~DO~NOW~IS~GIVE~IN~ TO~THE~BIRTH~OF~A~NEW~DAWN~ ""~*~"" * Le_Ah_Tiamat__sept_19_2013_ galactic_code__blue_spectral_storm_ guided_by_self_generation__* Images_gathered_along_my_journeys_through_cyberworld__* thank_you_all__

Archaeologists find Bronze Age sundial dating back more than 3,000 years - See more at:

In 1928, a powerful earthquake shook the hills surrounding the Utcubamba valley in Peru, revealing a seven foot tall clay statue, which came crashing down from the cliffside. Researchers were stunned to find that the figure was in fact a sarcophagus, and inside it were the remains of an individual carefully wrapped in cloth. Following this discovery, more of these sarcophagi were uncovered. They became known as the purunmachu, where the ‘Warriors of the Clouds’ placed their dead. Many sarcophagi had already been destroyed by looters, but a number of purunmachu were found untouched and intact due to being placed out of sight and out of reach, high up on a cliff ledge. The Warriors of the Clouds, also known as the Chachapoya people, were a culture of Andean people living in the cloud forests of the Amazonas region of present day Peru. Archaeological evidence suggests that people began settling the region at least as early as 200 AD, but the Incas conquered their civilization shortly before the arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century. Their incorporation into the Inca Empire led to the complete decimation of their culture and traditions, and less than a century after the arrival of the Spanish, they had been effectively wiped out – only 10 per cent of the region’s estimated 300,000 people remained. However, one thing remained behind as a monument of their existence – the purunmachu. The purunmachu sarcophagi were carefully prepared using clay which was built around the wrapped up body of the deceased. The structure was then covered in a mixture of mud and straw and painted white or cream before adding on details such as necklaces, feathered tunics, and faces, painted on in shades of yellow and red ochre. The sarcophagi were placed on a low circular wall on the ledge of a high cliff face and, lined up, the purunmachu were like a row of sentinels guarding the dead. Once their culture had disappeared the sarcophagi were no longer sacred and so most were desecrated and destroyed by looters in search of any riches might lie inside. - See more at:

The Sentinel Sarcophagi of the Warriors of the Clouds

- See more at:


COMET ISON UPDATE: Reports of naked-eye sightings of Comet ISON are coming in from around the world. Experienced observers put the comet's magntitude at +5.5 on Nov. 16th. This means it is now fully 10 times brighter than it was only three days ago before the outburst. To the naked eye, ISON appears as a faint smudge of pale green light low in the pre-dawn sky. The view through a telescope is more dramatic. The comet's tail has become a riotous crowd of gaseous streamers stretching more than 3.5 degrees across the sky. Amateur astronomer Waldemar Skorupa sends this picture from Kahler Asten, Germany:The tail is so long, he couldn't fit the whole thing in the field of view. How long is it? Comet ISON's tail extends more than 8 million kilometers behind the comet's nucleus. For comparison, that's 21 times the distance between Earth and the Moon. Because so much gas and dust is spewing from the comet's core, it is impossible to see clearly what caused Comet ISON's outburst on Nov. 13-14. One possibility is that fresh veins of ice are opening up in the comet's nucleus, vaporizing furiously as ISON approaches the sun. Another possibility is that the nucleus has completely fragmented. "If so, it will still be several days before we know for sure," says Karl Battams, an astronomer with NASA's Comet ISON Observing Campaign. "When comet nuclei fall apart, it’s not like a shrapnel-laden explosion. Instead, the chunks slowly drift apart at slightly different speeds. Given that ISON’s nucleus is shrouded in such a tremendous volume of light-scattering dust and gas right now, it will be almost impossible to determine this for at least a few days and perhaps not until the comet reaches the field of view of NASA's STEREO HI-1A instrument on November 21, 2013. We will have to wait for the chunks to drift apart a sufficient distance, assuming they don't crumble first." In short, no one knows for sure what is happening to Comet ISON. This could be the comet's death throes--or just the first of many brightening events the comet experiences as it plunges toward the sun for a close encounter on Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 28th).

BY Le Ah Tiamat,,

*<>>>>_________<>((  )) <>_________<<<<>*

Friday, November 15, 2013

ARE WE ,,,?????

"Jupiter's Great Red Spot Should Have Disappeared Centuries Ago" --A New Theory About the Enduring Mystery,Jupiter's Great Red Spot is one of the solar system's most mysterious landmarks. Based on what scientists understand about fluid dynamics, this massive storm – which is big enough to engulf the Earth two or three times over – should have disappeared centuries ago. Pedram Hassanzadeh, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University, and Philip Marcus, a professor of fluid dynamics at the University of California, Berkeley, think they can explain why. Their work, which Hassanzadeh will present at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics in Pittsburgh on November 25, also provides insight into persistent ocean eddies and vortices that contribute to star and planet formation. "Based on current theories, the Great Red Spot should have disappeared after several decades. Instead, it has been there for hundreds of years," said Hassanzadeh, who is a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard's Center for the Environment and the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Many processes dissipate vortices like the Red Spot, Hassanzadeh explained. The turbulence and waves in and around the Red Spot sap the energy of its winds. The vortex also loses energy by radiating heat. Finally, the Red Spot sits between two strong jet streams that flow in opposite directions and may slow down its spinning.

from group posted by Rodrigo R. Menezes

Location. Kiev, Ukraine Date: 1990 Time: unknown An elderly male witness, Valentin K. was reading a book in his room while his wife worked in the kitchen. Nobody was near him at the moment. Suddenly he saw several flashes of light, which circled the air around him. In the next moment, he appeared in a quite different and unknown location. The place was like nothing he had ever seen before. He saw a huge meadow of bright green, trimmed grass. There was a river nearby, filled with transparent, clear water. Beyond the river he could see sloping hills. There were no visible trees. He could see several humanoid figures walking around in the distance. And nearby suddenly appeared a strange semitransparent humanoid figure, like an orange cloud. The witness thought that it was all a dream and at that very same moment the nearby silhouetted assumed a dense nature becoming non-transparent, it seemed to materialize in front of the witness. The figure was human-like, but not completely. Its face, hands and clothing were dull orange in color. The strangest detail was the face, instead of a nose, there was a small dark opening, instead of a mouth, also a round opening, resembling that of funnel to pour water through. Ears were totally absent. The entity’s eyes were large, yellow-brown in color, which stared at the witness intently but with “kindness”. The alien “walked” closer to the witness in a strange floating gait, almost floating in midair. The alien wore totally bizarre clothing; the front section resembled that of a screen. Suddenly two other similar entities appeared nearby, which differ only in height, the first and original one was as tall as the witness, the second smaller and the third was taller than Valentin. The witness still thought that he was dreaming, but the humanoid closest to him somehow read his thoughts and answered via telepathy, “No, this is not a dream, I am real, Give me your hand!” Mechanically the witness obeyed the humanoid and stretched his hand. The alien gave him its hand. Valentin shook the alien’s hand, which felt normal like that of a human, hot, with five fingers. “Where are you from?” Asked the witness, overcoming his sense of fear. Instead of an answer, the “shield” located on the alien’s chest, began emitting bright colors and soon the witness saw images of “galaxies”, constellations, planets, it resembled digital figures seen on electronic watches. After that the witness remembers nothing. He came to his senses again in his bedroom. He felt somewhat torpid and his hand was hot. His wife apparently had not notice him missing; she remained in the kitchen all the time, and apparently the whole “adventure” lasted only several minutes. The witness, who was an accomplished artist, drew portraits of the scenes he witnessed. !!!

Skinwalker Ranch

Annunaki and Ancient Hidden Technology