Friday, November 15, 2013

Location. Kiev, Ukraine Date: 1990 Time: unknown An elderly male witness, Valentin K. was reading a book in his room while his wife worked in the kitchen. Nobody was near him at the moment. Suddenly he saw several flashes of light, which circled the air around him. In the next moment, he appeared in a quite different and unknown location. The place was like nothing he had ever seen before. He saw a huge meadow of bright green, trimmed grass. There was a river nearby, filled with transparent, clear water. Beyond the river he could see sloping hills. There were no visible trees. He could see several humanoid figures walking around in the distance. And nearby suddenly appeared a strange semitransparent humanoid figure, like an orange cloud. The witness thought that it was all a dream and at that very same moment the nearby silhouetted assumed a dense nature becoming non-transparent, it seemed to materialize in front of the witness. The figure was human-like, but not completely. Its face, hands and clothing were dull orange in color. The strangest detail was the face, instead of a nose, there was a small dark opening, instead of a mouth, also a round opening, resembling that of funnel to pour water through. Ears were totally absent. The entity’s eyes were large, yellow-brown in color, which stared at the witness intently but with “kindness”. The alien “walked” closer to the witness in a strange floating gait, almost floating in midair. The alien wore totally bizarre clothing; the front section resembled that of a screen. Suddenly two other similar entities appeared nearby, which differ only in height, the first and original one was as tall as the witness, the second smaller and the third was taller than Valentin. The witness still thought that he was dreaming, but the humanoid closest to him somehow read his thoughts and answered via telepathy, “No, this is not a dream, I am real, Give me your hand!” Mechanically the witness obeyed the humanoid and stretched his hand. The alien gave him its hand. Valentin shook the alien’s hand, which felt normal like that of a human, hot, with five fingers. “Where are you from?” Asked the witness, overcoming his sense of fear. Instead of an answer, the “shield” located on the alien’s chest, began emitting bright colors and soon the witness saw images of “galaxies”, constellations, planets, it resembled digital figures seen on electronic watches. After that the witness remembers nothing. He came to his senses again in his bedroom. He felt somewhat torpid and his hand was hot. His wife apparently had not notice him missing; she remained in the kitchen all the time, and apparently the whole “adventure” lasted only several minutes. The witness, who was an accomplished artist, drew portraits of the scenes he witnessed. !!!

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